Ryan’s Autobiography

Visit the link below to preview Ryan’s autobiography, written from 2000 to 2015 through a decade and a half of turmoil, penitence, isolation, grief, victory, reclaiming, doubts, surprise joy, and redemption.

Penned under a pseudonym to protect the identities of all those affected, Ryan is now out of shame, and proclaiming openly that This. Is. Him. No shame. Living in God’s redemptive grace.

“Redemption” is a heartbreaking yet inspiring and painfully honest 42-year journey of one man: from learning to curiosity, from curiosity to offense, and from offense to redemption. “Ethan Weston” tells his story, shares his tragedies and triumphs and reveals the story behind the story that led to his downfall…and his eventual rising again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

A painfully honest read, “Redemption” is a true account of the slippery slope that one man went down, crashing in flames. But maintaining accountability as he bravely completed 4 years of treatment & probation, surrounded by praying family and friends, engulfed in the Great Love of a Redemptive God, showered with protection and grace, and eventually loved into the arms of a woman who would see him for the man he truly was, those ashes were molded into destiny once more.

Read it for yourself…and be a first-hand witness to an incredible story of Redemption.