Janine’s Story:
A Solemn Vow

When she was just a child growing up in Bermuda, Janine had made a solemn vow to never be a wife. At just three years old, she was molested. During her childhood, she was forced to be the go-between in a crumbling marriage. More drama ensued as she entered her teenage years, when her mother and father went through a vitriolic and dramatic divorce, splitting their family asunder forever. Seeing the way her mother responded to her father, and how her father treated her mother, brought about Janine’s painful vow, and ultimately, would have far-reaching implications on her life, her freedom, her own sexual brokenness struggles, and her identity. In the midst of it all however, she accepted Christ and knew that God had a plan for her through her pain…and even in it. As she moved through life, her acquaintance with pain allowed her to see into others’ lives with an unmatched perceptivity and insight. She is loved and admired by many.​

And then came Ryan, and a painful story of drama, running, wishing, pursuing, hoping, praying, journaling.

A true poet and wordsmith, Janine penned her thoughts and her life, and wrote a book of poems that reflect her journey. One of her best-known phrases is “everything in the past has led to now, and I’m in love with now.” And that “now” became the future, and the future became a wedding on March 10th, 2012…and the curse of the vow was lifted.​

Janine and Ryan identify with pain and heartbreak. They identify with sexual struggles, brokenness and self-harm. They identify with shame.

Through Ryan’s pain and shame, Janine has been able to come alongside him like no other person ever could. She knew in her heart that she could “love Ryan well.”

And so was born a relationship and marriage that was anointed of God, full of purpose and redemption… and hope over shame.

God blessed Janine and Ryan with two beautiful sons, Brennan and Asher, in February 2016 and June 2019, respectively.

Janine’s story is an incredible story of triumph over trauma, pain and regret, and…

Hope over Shame.